A New Chapter for a Tragic Story

As much as we, at times, like the possibility of it, the truth is we can never get too comfortable in one place. We are just not designed to do so. To function optimally, human beings need new experiences. Granted, these experiences are not always devoid of challenges, but without going through such hardships, we really can’t discover all there is to our individuality. Furthermore, when we discover new things about us, it also nurtures our society’s growth, and that is enough of an incentive for a person to find ways through which everyone can raise their ceiling together. Over the years, there have been many attempts to find answers aligning with the given template. While each attempt moved the needle in its own manner, there were a few that ended up having a relatively bigger impact than others. One belonging to the latter category is, of course, technology. It might have taken the world some time in learning how to best use technology’s capabilities, but once it happened, there was no looking back. Soon enough, we were living in entirely different times, and mind you, the change was very much for the better. Now, this transformation was certainly facilitated on the back of many different factors, but if we are to talk regarding which factor actually set the tone for everything else, it would be social media. Since its introduction, the social media concept has entered us into a unique reality. It achieved the said feat by serving us all kinds of experiences packed together in one place. Despite turning into a force, however, social media platforms continue to grow, and evidence for that was recently delivered by WhatsApp.

WhatsApp has officially launched cryptocurrency payments pilot in the US. Designed to work in collaboration with Meta’s digital wallet, Novi, the feature uses Pax Dollars stablecoin for getting your payments through to the other side. Notably, there are no fees levied on sending or receiving money, no cap on the frequency of the payments allowed, and no fees to keep a balance in your Novi account. Even though the move doesn’t do the justice to Meta’s huge crypto ambitions, it can potentially be a meaningful addition to WhatsApp’s portfolio over the long-term.

Meta and cryptocurrency’s relationship has so far gone through several volatile stages.  Not only have we seen the demise of Libra (now known as Diem), but we have also witnessed several brains behind the concept giving up on it. In fact, the changes made by Meta also have amounted to nothing, as the company eventually had to launch Novi without being able to partner it with their in-house currency, Diem, due to a lack of regulatory approval.



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