eHealth Supports Biden’s Call for Public-Private Sector Cooperation

eHealth announced their support for the Biden-Harris Administration Emergency Relief Package provisions that works based on the public-private sector partnership in fighting the pandemic and for expanding support for the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The newly introduced insurance package would limit the amount that eligible Americans spend on health insurance to no more than 8.5 percent of their annual income.”Today, ACA coverage is out of reach for many Americans with incomes close to the cutoff for ACA subsidies, yet just high enough to make them ineligible for relief.” said eHealth CEO Scott Flanders. “President-Elect Biden’s plan to increase support for such individuals and families will help ensure quality coverage for many Americans who can’t afford insurance under current rules.”

“eHealth strongly supports the ACA subsidy expansion included in the Biden-Harris Emergency Relief Package,” said John Desser, Senior Vice President of Government Affairs for eHealth. “We are also pleased to see the recent report from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services showing that consumers using Enhanced Direct Enrollment to choose their health plan has more than doubled year-over-year from 521,000 to 1,130,000.”



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