The IoT Warning

There are many points on which we can differentiate ourselves from the ones that came before us. However, the biggest of them all has to be our clashing approach to life. What previous generation was mainly known for revolved around their minimalistic take on life.  As long as they were able to satisfy the basic human needs, they were happy. This, of course, began to change after a time. Eventually, we had a population that needed more than just basic. In other words, it needed the luxuries in life, and thus, it set off on a journey to make that happen. Our pursuit to step up the quality of our lives led us towards discovering technology and everything it had to offer.

Even though we now had a historical finding under our belt, there was still an urge amongst some leaders to keep moving forward. It was influenced by their knowledge of all the areas that can stand to profit from this creation. Therefore, the wheels of a new cycle started rolling. Now we were guided towards the platform of advanced tech. It can be argued that this was just an improved version of our initial discovery, but in its true essence, it boasted a unique identity. Advanced tech is made up of things like AI, telematics, blockchain, and IoT etc. and these things are tipped to be the future. Nevertheless, from what it seems, it’s not going to be a smooth ride.

A glaring security loophole in relation to IoT was recently brought to notice by a researcher who stayed at the famous Japanese capsule hotels. Capsule hotels are budget accommodations not much bigger than the size of your body. There isn’t much in them except basic amenities like light, a convertible couch, and ventilation. In case you are not aware, all these things are controlled by IoT-driven device. Now, even though the options on this controlling device are usually restricted, the researcher realized that all it takes is a reboot to gain access of all the locked functions. Following the enlisting of an easily available script, and with help from some half a dozen vulnerabilities he located in the meantime, he was able to take over the control of all the capsules within the facility. While this didn’t trigger any grave consequences, it should serve as a warning for the people relying on IoT.



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