Automation and app security are top priorities in 2021

There are about 350 people in what we call the Team8 village, these are executives from our customer and partner organizations, And that we asked them what areas they were prioritizing for investment in 2021. And two of the areas that we had mentioned by tons of our CISOs were security automation and application security. Its  pretty evident why those two areas especially are our focus areas for 2021. Within the case of security automation, it’s documented that there’s an enormous talent shortage within the security market. Automation allows you to extend the leverage of the talent that you simply have already got by enabling them to codify their wisdom into automated actions and have those actions applied without having to rent more people to try to to them manually. within the case of application security, what we’re finding is that more and more of not only the safety job, but of all jobs, is shifting left into the appliance development phase of the merchandise cycle. What this suggests is that developers, who by and enormous aren’t security experts, got to have better tools to assist them build security into their applications. and that is the idea for investment therein area.

There’s a lot of investment that’s getting to be required to urge enterprises up and running on high consequence applications within the cloud, simply because it is a different environment. the opposite reason i feel that folks are investing in cloud security is because they’re increasingly moving operations that normally they might have performed on-premises into the cloud, simply because the workers increasingly with pandemic restrictions are performing from home and since upgrading infrastructure and deploying things on-premises requires getting tons of individuals into the building to try to to the work. In some cases, it’s quicker to adopt a cloud technology than it’s to implement an on-premises technology when you’re operating during a distributed mode and tons of your employees aren’t on-premises.



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