Educating You Better

For a disease to be recognized as a global pandemic it has to function on a grand scale, and after having a real-time experience of the devastation Covid 19 brought, we have no doubts that we just went through one. As a result of it, several key components of our lives were outright reframed, a change which otherwise would have taken years to come into effect or perhaps it might not have come into effect at all. Furthermore, the transformation in question was felt across a versatile set of areas. Traditional procedures were thwarted; hence leaders hailing from the aforementioned areas had to get creative to keep things afloat. For instance, we are already well aware of healthcare sector bringing out the remote monitoring technology; so that medical professionals could treat patients without coming in close contact that with them. However, another major sector was walking parallel to this approach and it was the field of education.

When the countries announced nationwide lockdowns, schools and other educational institutes were forced to shut down.  Instead of the classrooms, the education was now being delivered within the screens of your desktop or mobile device. This added a dynamic that the education sector might have otherwise taken a long time to tinker with on a scale that they eventually ended up clocking. As it turns out, the disruption was a blessing in disguise for the education sphere.

For years, there have been talks to develop the technologies relating to education and it took a pandemic to finally unleash the potential of edtech. The health crisis will end some day, but the trends we take out of it give all the impressions of being here for the long haul. For instance, taking out the interpersonal effect from teaching created a problem for the educators in terms of getting through to the students. This was resolved by introducing the appeal of audiovisual technology. It was a widely done observation that the students responded in a much better way wherever AV setup was extensively used.

Another major discovery was made in the regards to wireless casting, which eliminated any need for a traditional projector that is often used in the educational centers’ setting. It must be noted that importance of a physical classrooms hasn’t diminished, however these technological tools promise to bolster interactivity and schools’ efforts to educate more and more students.



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