PeopleAdmin: Fulfilling the Higher Education Mission

Rishi Rana

General Manager

“Since more than 20 years ago, PeopleAdmin has collaborated with HigherEd human resources departments, offering customized solutions.”

Higher education has unique needs and is the most challenging field. PeopleAdmin has worked with more than 840 schools and universities over the past 20 years to offer solutions that can meet the specific requirements of HigherEd. Since the creation of the SaaS-based platform with HigherEd’s goal in mind, PeopleAdmin has been adapting to the shifting demands of schools and institutions. Existing companies have a strong innovation culture, so PeopleAdmin is always refining the goods and developing new ones to meet the changing needs of their clients. The only comprehensive solution created to address the particular requirements of higher education HR teams is PeopleAdmin. Since more than 20 years ago, PeopleAdmin has collaborated with HigherEd human resources departments, offering customized solutions.

The HigherEd platform is purpose-built to manage the particular, intricate operations the team interacts with on a daily basis. By automating time-consuming, repetitive procedures, this one solution makes the workplace more productive and efficient, allowing an organization to spend more time on the things that matter. Workflows created specifically for an institution help them hire better and more quickly. A team may spend more time interacting with prospects and current professors and staff and less time on data entry if talent acquisition is done effectively. Better retention results from HR control of professional development and performance management procedures across all campuses. The HigherEd Platform from PeopleAdmin offers personalized people management for each school while providing centralized insights and reporting for campus systems. PeopleAdmin unites several campuses linked by a state, district, or system while preserving total autonomy for each campus’s unique operations.

Position Management by PeopleAdmin is a single, audit-ready source of truth for organizational structure and classifications of position descriptions. Making strategic decisions possible by providing useful insights The intelligent categorization system offered by Position Management provides the effectiveness and consistency necessary for any institution’s personnel management plan. Job descriptions that are ready to use help them hire more quickly. By making sure that the job listings accurately reflect the demands of the business, an organization can hire people who will be successful in their positions. Manage the complete hiring and recruiting of talent process for a school with assurance. With robust reporting and compliance capabilities and various customizations, PeopleAdmin’s applicant tracking system was created specifically for HigherEd to satisfy the special requirements of institutional recruiting. With PeopleAdmin’s Applicant Tracking System, one can create a world-class recruitment experience for candidates and HR staff. The complex, multi-department systems present in higher education are supported by this potent instrument. The ATS adapts to the specific demands of the campus while saving time and attracting top personnel. It does this through visible dashboards, a tailored applicant experience, and automatic communication.

Performance Management from PeopleAdmin is an intuitive tool that improves employee effectiveness with real-time statistics and customisable performance assessment programs. The technological components of employee development are automated through performance management. Personalized dashboards provide visibility for HR and supervisors, while configurable features readily match the institution’s distinct needs, regulations, and processes. Automated task reminders keep everyone on track, and the 9-box model guides decisions on staffing and succession planning. PeopleAdmin’s Professors Information System lessens the administrative load on faculty by providing a low-touch method to gather and arrange their professional contributions, publications, research, and academic accomplishments. Ensure that academics are free to concentrate on what matters most—improving student outcomes and advancing the academic mission. The time-consuming procedure of reporting faculty activities is made simpler by the intuitive Faculty Information System (FIS). Faculty may enter data once and utilize it frequently with a real-time link to ORCiD because dossiers are prepopulated. Faculty dossiers are kept up to date, simplifying grant applications and the tenure and promotion review procedure. FIS is specifically designed to meet the individual demands of faculty members with easily editable bios and CVs.

The greatest solutions supporting the HigherEd community are smoothly integrated with PeopleAdmin’s Marketplace of Connectors. The Marketplace of Connectors provides pre-built, two-way links with partners so that all of the data flows between systems, minimizing laborious re-entry, clearing up errors, and giving a comprehensive picture of analytics across campus. The improvements PeopleAdmin makes to the HigherEd Platform are influenced by the platform’s devoted users, making it the only talent management and acquisition solution developed specifically for HigherEd by HigherEd while taking into consideration the unique requirements of the HigherEd HR professional.