A Major Step in the Next Big Tech Assignment

One of the best things about a human life is how you can always make it better under each and every situation. This dynamic, in particular, allows us to hit upon some huge milestones along the way. However, despite the significant nature of whatever we have achieved so far, we can’t claim to have realized anything more important than a creation called technology. You see, as soon as it arrived on the scene, technology stood out from the pack rather comfortably, and it did so by introducing a dynamic that we had never even imagined before. While the stated dynamic was largely centered upon the creation’s unprecedented skill-set, it also had a ton to do with how technology used skills to impact our entire spectrum, and consequentially, turn us into a tech-driven society. Now, you’d think that the revolution would have slowed down after doing so much, but it really continued to fire on all cylinders. This very progressive pattern ended up leading us towards our current reality, where we are uncovering something new about the creation every single day. In fact, going by Google’s latest move, the stated knowledge pool should only get bigger and better moving forward.

After shelving them initially, Google is now officially set to bring back augmented reality glasses. According to certain reports, the company will start publically testing the glasses, and although it’s going to stay limited to just a few people, the trial will likely help in gleaning crucial information about the feasibility of functions like translation, transcription, visual search and navigation that will work with heads-up overlays similar to how Google Maps uses heads-up AR directions on phones. Interestingly enough, the prototype testers enrolled in the program will be strongly prohibited from wearing the glasses “in schools, government buildings, health care locations, places of worship, social service locations, areas meant for children (e.g., schools and playgrounds), emergency response locations, rallies or protests and other similar places.” Apart from it, the company will also ask the tester to not use them while driving or playing sports.

Another detail worth mentioning here is how the glasses won’t store pictures or record videos, an aspect which is seemingly conceived to ease the privacy concerns that plagued the older iteration of these glasses. Instead, the device will only use image data to perform stuff like identifying objects or showing directions.

“The magic will really come alive when you can use them in the real world without the technology getting in the way,” said Sundar Pichai, Google’s CEO.

However, even if the testing goes well, Google will only become one of the several Big Tech companies that are trying to get an edge through next-generation augmented reality glasses.



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