Reinventing Your Shopping Experience

Human’s development is certainly a personal concept but it’s largely influenced by the external aspects. This fact alone has a greater significance than you think. Having forces from outside orchestrating the way you behave and approach things in your life means that every time you interact with the world, it can possibly lead to changes in your holistic perspective and personality. Now, this is where the ground gets a little dicey. You can view this piece of truth rather optimistically and think that the world can help you grow, but we do have enough evidence to think that sometimes the repercussions can be negative as well. It’s the latter point that happened to be on critics’ mind when visionaries across the globe started preaching ideas like AI, IoT, and many others along those lines. Even though the situation felt eerily similar to what it was before technology first got to appear on the scene, you can’t expect every risk to pay off, right? Well, this one did. Despite the voices of dissent, models like AI and IoT were put on the floor everywhere, as the world looked towards a unique future. One company that has been spearheading this change of tide is Amazon, and they are doing it in a lot of ways. E-commerce might still be their biggest bid, but the company is making a sizeable push in other areas too. Their latest one, however, is directed towards the expansion of FoodTech industry.

Amazon has recently announced its plans to introduce cashierless “Just Walk Out” technology within their Whole Foods stores. As the first step of their foray, the company will be bringing this technology to two of its outlets. One of the stores will be in Washington D.C., while the other one picked to go cashierless is situated in Sherman Oaks, California. The “Just Walk Out” technology will basically work by using an assortment of cameras, sensors, and machine learning algorithms to detect what people pick off the shelves. It was thoroughly tested in Amazon’s Go convenience stores, and building upon that, the company was able to make it a feasible product for large scale grocery stores.

An intriguing factor here is that these cashierless stores won’t be entirely devoid of any staff. Instead, there will remain a traditional checkout counter as an option, while the other workers will be trained to contribute in a ‘different’ manner.

Amazon’s desire to recreate your shopping experience doesn’t end here though. It starts right from how you’ll be entering the store by scanning a QR code on your Amazon or Whole Foods app, inserting the credit or debit linked to your Amazon account or scanning your palm through Amazon One technology. Once you leave the store, your invoice will be emailed to you, thus completing what we can say is a hassle-free experience in every sense.



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