Catching up with the Evolving Landscape

Even though growth can look different for different people, it ends up taking shape under a somewhat similar environment. You see, no matter what the nature or extent of our progression is, the basic by-products to emerge from it are actually not as unique as we are led to believe. For instance, we can look at how any type of notable change starts with altering an individual’s perception before eventually making a difference around their habits or actions. This dynamic has, in fact, been on show time and time again throughout our history, and yet its strongest appearance only came once technology arrived on the scene. Technology’s bid to win over the masses was successful mainly due to the far-reaching impact it promised. Unlike any other creation, technology had something for each aspect within our lives. Such a dynamic turned the world into an interconnected community. Nevertheless, when you allow humans to link-up using a generational tool of the said sort, they’ll definitely try to enhance its ability beyond what it is at a given time, and that’s exactly the way cookie crumbled for technology. Before anyone could realize, technology’s scaled up version was taking over the entire world. As the upgrades didn’t stop, the creation would go on to further solidify its stronghold. Today, this stronghold is evident in every imaginable area, except Grubhub’s latest announcement signals that there still might be some room to grow.

Food delivery juggernaut, Grubhub has officially decided to expand the footprint of company’s branded convenience service called Grubhub Goods. Now available nationwide, the service will look to fulfil on-demand convenience deliveries from over 3.000 Grubhub Goods’ locations. According to certain reports, staying consistent with the setup it used during the New York pilot program, Grubhub will retain 7-Eleven as a partner to carry out the expanded operations. If we talk about the goods you can avail through the said service, there is actually a very wide expanse, which includes everything from snacks like energy drinks and ice creams to personal care products, and much more.

“Diners have come to expect more choices when they land on Grubhub, including convenience options, which we see as a natural extension of our marketplace and a way to bring more value to the entire Grubhub ecosystem,” said Kyle Goings, the director of growth and new verticals at Grubhub.

So far, Grubhub has insisted that it sees a huge opportunity in convenience, but whatever success it picks up on the back of its latest decision won’t come easy. It will have to put up with severe competition from DoorDash’s DashMart service, as both the companies gear up to achieve ultimate dominance in the food delivery sphere.



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