Managing the Roads Better

The fact that we are bestowed with a sizeable stock of resources is something that can be said with complete agreement. Over the years, these resources have immensely helped us in enriching our life, becoming foundational to our foray into a whole host of activities. In fact, the openness of these resources to be utilized exclusively or in a combination with some other resource has helped us in discovering pathways that we didn’t even know existed in the first place. Step by step, these discoveries have led us towards a whole new era, an era that values creativity and innovation, an era that promises to have something for everyone.

If we are to scrutinize these discoveries from up close, one that will tower over the others would be the discovery of technology. Technology, as a resource, has been proving its usefulness since the moment it zoomed into the picture. By becoming the perfect backdrop of our gazillion innovations, technology has stamped its authority on the world, but it’s far from done yet. After admitting itself into the group of absolute essentials, technology now looks poised to find ways through which it can further bolster the quality of our lives. In its one such attempt, technology has focused on enhancing the vehicle mobility on roads through an upgraded traffic signal setup.

Basically, what University of California is trying to do is modernize the traffic signal framework and encourage more seamless movement. Starting from their backyard, the university will be implementing this idea in San Diego through intelligent transportation system (ITS). The system is designed to consider different modes of transportation, so that the flow of personal vehicles, transit vehicles, cyclists and others can be effectively managed.

Stretching across 26 intersections, the new system will be backed by SynchroGreen adaptive software by Cubic, updated controllers, GRIDSMART video detection, and communication upgrades. Furthermore, the project takes a step away from traditional transportation planning. Instead, data points and analytics are being trusted to pave the way forward.

“This is a big leap forward for actively managing mobility without taking right-of-way, or physical widening. And I think that’s a really important point to be made on this,” said Walter Musial, principle with Civil Engineering Firm, Linscott Law and Greenspan, consultant on the project.

The modernization project also sets up university’s plans in motion to better manage campus’ growing population.



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