The Uncertainty Looms Large

One great thing about our capabilities as human beings is that they can always grow, if nurtured in an efficient manner. This improvement in our skill-set, and as a result of it, our potential, has been massive over the last few decades. A factor that needs to be credited for this progress is the redesigning of our thinking process. Many of our ancestors had to suffice with limited schools of thought due to the small scale of their discoveries. When we redesigned our thinking, we expanded the footprint of our reach, and by putting ourselves on a higher pedestal, we were able to view things more clearly, which eventually fed into our growth.

This redesigning of thinking might have been in the pipeline all along, but it made its presence felt once we had carved out the ingenious legend of technology. The restructuring of our day-to-day activities influenced a change in us well. Before we could realize the true significance of this change, numerous technological by-products started to pour in, each of them promising to cater a different need. As you can guess, there was a major mismatch between our comprehension capacity and the number of inventions we were being bestowed with. Yes, we were able to come around and gain a better grasp of these products, but in some areas, the said mismatch looked too apparent to ignore. Such was the case of telehealth services.

Telehealth has been around the block for a while now, but the doubt around it had kept the world from witnessing what all it can do. This shifted a little during the pandemic. As the virtual treatment became a necessity, the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid lifted certain regulations that had been initially imposed on the use of telehealth services. This not only simplified things a little for us from a general standpoint, but also enhanced study of technologies like mRNA changed the game by orchestrating quick creation of Covid vaccine. However, despite proving to be a tool of unmatched utility, the future of telehealth remains uncertain.

As per the reports, HIPAA regulations will be reinstated once the medical emergency ends. The authority’s argument is that the requirement to secure digital channels through which a patient is being treated remains the same. Experts have disputed it, as they encourage collecting data about patients’ experience before making any decision.



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