Third Time Lucky

A human arsenal is made up from all sorts of valuable traits, but one that sticks out the most is our willingness to improve on a rather consistent basis. You see, when you are getting better consistently, you end up giving yourself a fair shot at achieving some notable milestones. However, if we are to asses these by-products in hindsight, we probably won’t find anything as notable as a certain creation called technology. The reason why technology gets to be the ultimate anomaly is rooted in a lot of things. For starters, it revolves a lot around the creation’s unprecedented skill-set. Once you are done checking out the stated element, though, you almost have to focus on how technology has been so successful in terms of impacting our entire spectrum. In fact, it didn’t just upgrade the existing framework, but it also went on to introduce many new facets. One of these facets was, of course, a full-fledged space industry. Since turning up on the scene, our space industry has really made some serious strides, and that’s exactly what would enable us to dream about things like populating a completely different planet or realizing an idea like space tourism. Nevertheless, those are not just pipe dreams, as we are already moving in that direction. Interestingly, Boeing’s latest move is the one that provides us with our next step.

Boeing has successfully launched its new aircraft, the CST-100 Starliner, on an uncrewed mission. The launch comes after two failed attempts, with the last one falling around two and a half years ago. According to certain reports, the mission will last for a week during which the company is going to assess whether the aircraft is capable of docking with the International Space Station. If everything pans out as per the script, Boeing will move to initiate a crewed mission at some point in the future. Talk about the launch, the spacecraft took off from Florida’s Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, and it did so using an Atlas V rocket. Once the rocket had delivered the capsule into orbit, the Starliner got its own thrusters into action to make sure the direction was correct. Now, while the overall launch went smoothly, Boeing did reveal that the stated thrusters didn’t work quite how they wanted.

“We had two to thrusters fail,” said Mark Nappi, vice president and program manager of Boeing’s Starliner program. “The first one that fired, it fired for a second and then it shut down. The flight control system did was what it’s supposed to, and it turned it over to the second thruster.”

It won’t work until they turn on the third thruster.

Although uncrewed, the Starliner was given some cargo, which includes essential supplies for astronauts who are currently on-board the ISS. Apart from it, the aircraft is also carrying a spacesuit-clad mannequin named Rosie the Rocketeer.



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