A Timely Creation

As a society, we invest a lot of our effort in being solution-oriented on a consistent basis. This helps us big time with adopting a progressive viewpoint to everything around us. Now, when you have such an approach, it becomes easy to aim for something expansive like sustainable growth, and that’s exactly how the cookie has crumbled for human beings. By always trying to look for best possible solution under all circumstances, we have been able to position ourselves in a way that finding our next stride no longer looks like a tough job. Apart from a forward-thinking mindset, however, the world also had to look for some other methods, which were going to compliment the said approach. While we ended up discovering many, the one that went on to redefine the whole setup was technology. Technology appeared on the scene with its own set of influential factors, and yet none really mattered as much as the efficiency and convenience it offered. These two features will morph into many representations over the following years. One shape they’ll take will be of a reinvented logistics industry, and if we look at some recent developments, even better things seem to be in store for the sector.

Asset-tracking provider, SkyBitz has officially launched a brand-new SmartTank management portal, as the company places a bid to scale up its in-house tank monitoring system. According to some reports, the new portal will bring data visualizations and automated workflows to help private fleet operators, wholesalers, and distributors in terms of better overall inventory management. Apart from that, it is also, to a larger degree, structured around maximizing delivery efficiency, thus making core operations more cost-effective than they are under current conditions.

Over the past one year or so, the global supply chain, as we know, has had to deal with immense pressure. The preventive restrictions against Covid 19 essentially created an almost buckling pressure for logistics partners all over the world. With different sectors still reeling from the effects of extended inactivity, the onus has now landed on areas like the one of logistics to get things up and running again. The SmartTank management portal boasts everything to be a meaningful step in that direction. On a granular level, it will fulfill the said responsibility by making extensive data metrics, including tank fill levels, inventory usage, product temperatures, and geographical location-inspired demand forecasts, available to the users.

“The launch of the new SmartTank portal comes at a perfect time,” said Anton Albrand, Vice President of Sales at SkyBitz.



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