A Game-Changer for Cryptocurrency

Human imagination knows no bounds and that is reflected quiet clearly across the history. Now, this evidence itself arrives in various different forms. While some testimonies come disguised as an ingenious physical representation, there are also a few that focus on abstract value. Nevertheless, one particular element, which effectively combines these two factors in equal amounts, is technology. Technology became such a phenomenon mainly because it backed its physical excellence with a highly imaginative framework and vice versa. This ended up giving the creation just what it needed in terms of making an unprecedented impact. Soon enough, we were dedicating all our resources towards further bolstering technology’s capabilities, but doing so didn’t always deliver the desired result. You see, as convenient as it looked, technology had a radical tendency right from the get-go, and that meant we would see some really questionable tech permutations over the years. However, despite there being a pretty big volume, we cannot really put any other thing over cryptocurrency in this discussion. Ever since turning up on the scene, cryptocurrency has ruffled a lot of feathers. The concept’s selling pitch of functioning outside the established financial structure has grabbed regulatory attention like nothing else, but there some other problems too. As we know, crypto mining has long posed an existential challenge at our energy management procedures. With environment’s health on the stake, we are hearing many genuine shouts to alter the landscape for crypto mining through one way or the other, except it might not come to that, if Intel’s latest venture ends up working out.

According to Reuters, Intel is finally entering the blockchain game, and more notably, the company’s crypto plans are all centered largely upon using a brand new chip. The core idea here is to be mindful about environmental sustainability. Named as Blockchain Accelerator, the chip focuses on “developing the most energy-efficient computing technologies at scale.” Even though Intel won’t start shipping the chip until later this year, two big companies have already placed their preorders. These companies include GRID Infrastructures, and Jack Dorsey-owned Block. So far, the tech giant has made very few details available to the public, but more can be expected during International Solid-State Circuits Conference, which starts on February 20th.

“We expect that our circuit innovations will deliver a blockchain accelerator that has over 1000x better performance per watt than mainstream GPUs for SHA-256 based mining,” said Raja Koduri, Intel’s senior vice president.

In a reality where crypto mining is triggering all-time high energy consumption, and consequentially, higher costs and blackouts, Intel’s game-changer can really do a lot to continue the process of making cryptocurrency mainstream.



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