Pushing for a Healthier Social Media Experience

While a human arsenal is loaded with some really valuable skills, our ability to find solutions stands out pretty comfortably. You see, when you are able to find a way through every situation, you end up exploring a lot over time, and that, in turn, makes it likely for you to come across some clear-cut benefits. Now, if we take a second and assess the benefits we have experienced so far, we’ll be touching upon a unique set of elements, but even with all the uniqueness in play, we won’t find anything quite like technology. Technology gets to be the ultimate anomaly here because it didn’t just stay as a by-product of our solution-oriented tendencies. Instead, it would go out and add a whole lot to the stated ability, therefore making us smarter than ever before. However, this creation, like us, had its own imperfections, and they will make us aware of their presence time and time again. Fortunately, after struggling for a bit, we now look determined to take on these shortcomings. In fact, TikTok’s latest decision does a lot to prove it.

TikTok is officially rolling out a new option, which will encourage users to take a break and keep themselves from spending an excessive amount of time on the platform. According to certain reports, the option will let users set a custom limit on how much time they want to spend using TikTok before getting the stated reminder. The custom bit is important here, as the social media giant has already dabbled with time limitations of 40, 60, 90, and 120 minutes per day. However, having a chance to set your own slab should trigger a more productive use of the feature. Apart from it, the users will also have an access to this newly-introduced dashboard that will tell them all they need to know about their overall usage. It will do so by giving them a detailed lowdown on their daily usage, how many times they have opened the TikTok app, along with an extensive breakdown of their daytime and nighttime stints on the platform. The users can even opt-in for weekly notification to review their all-new screen time dashboard.

“Having a positive relationship with digital devices and apps isn’t just about measuring screen time,” said Jordan Furlong, product manager for digital well-being at TikTok. “It’s also about feeling in control of how we use technology and ensuring that the time we spend online contributes positively to our sense of well-being.”

Interestingly enough, TikTok will also offer special “digital well-being prompts” to all users between 13 and 17 years of age once they clock more than 100 minutes of usage per day. The company’s wider push, though, really steams from an increased regulatory scrutiny. Over the recent past, we have already seen the likes of TikTok, Instagram, and Meta coming under fire for their impact on the kids, so when you see it through that lens, the move starts to make a lot more sense.




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