A Fan-Friendly Collaboration

There is no scarcity of things that humans are really good at, but the thing we do best is finding opportunities everywhere around us. In fact, the world gets to be nothing more than a static place, if humans stop looking to spring brilliance out of nowhere. Such a skill, as one would expect, has nurtured our progression to a phenomenal extent. Even when the inspiration at our disposal was pretty bland in its nature, we managed to use it as the foundations for something special. Soon enough, we were discovering stuff that would lead us towards the next level on its own, thus forming a self-sufficient system, which is in place to this day. On one occasion, our tendency to conjure up something out of nothing ended up bringing technology in our lives. All of a sudden, the idea of progressing further looked far less challenging. Instead, it now had a different productivity to it. The said alteration would go on to spell a whole new era. Nevertheless, despite these being dramatically different times, our skill of spotting genuine opportunities kept working in full-swig. With such a resolute force in the driving seat, we eventually entered a phase where have been able to witness a much more advanced version of technology. So far, this phase has given us many intelligible by-products, and one that is slowly becoming a centerpiece in our lives is the cloud. Cloud technology has taken its fair share of time on the fringes. While initially the world had looked a little unsure regarding it, the technology seems to have finally cracked the code now, as it gets more prevalent by the day. After dominating the usual offices, cloud is now headed somewhere else, and it’s not exactly where anyone predicted it go.

Major League Baseball and Adobe have officially revealed their plans to form a partnership, which will see the baseball league using Adobe’s cloud service for enhancing fan experience. On the back of products such as Experience Cloud and Creative Cloud, MLB is hoping to bolster engagement through elements like suggesting the fans concession lines on the basis of how fast they are moving or loyalty programs that reward you upon watching baseball games and buying your favorite team’s gear. Apart from it, the technology would make the fans feel more connected by notifying them about the next game whenever their favorite team is in town, and offering services like MLB.tv to facilitate a smooth watch from home.

“The Adobe platform provides a lot of the foundational capabilities for us to move in that direction so that we can understand who our consumer is and be able to create a system that rewards that type of loyalty,” said Chris Marinak, MLB’s chief operations and strategy officer.

The collaboration joins the ongoing push from MLB to make the league a more attractive product for the fans. It follows the introduction of Ballpark App, which enables fans to store digital tickets in the app, view detailed concourse maps, check out menus, and capture photos and videos with special MLB camera lenses.

According to MLB officials, they will be rolling out Adobe tech gradually, with new experiences already slated to be part of the package by next year.




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